Demystifying evaluation - an introduction
Demystifying Evaulation - an Introduction
With Dr Gill Toms and Emyr Williams
There are 24 places available in this session. Places will be allocated on a first come, first allocated basis
Capturing learning and demonstrating the impact of your work is vital in social care, and evaluative practise can help you do this. However, people can find evaluation baffling, so this session is a basic introduction to evaluation in social care, aimed at anyone who has little or no experience of undertaking evaluation. We aim to ‘demystify’ the evaluation process and demonstrate how anyone with the right mindset can use their existing knowledge and skills to capture learning and better demonstrate impact. The session will cover:
- what evaluation is and how it can benefit people working in social care
- why and when to undertake evaluations
- how to develop an evaluation mindset to undertake evaluative practise
- an introduction to some common evaluation methods.
By the end of the session you will:
- know what evaluation is and how it can help you in your work.
- understand how evaluative practise can help you capture learning, continually improve and measure your impact.
- feel more confident to plan, commission or undertake your own evaluations.