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Leading on social care for Administrative Data Research (ADR) Wales

We're leading on the ADR Wales social care programme of work, which means we have an ambassador role for linked data research across the sector.

ADR Wales is part of the ADR UK investment. ADR UK brings together data and approved researchers to enable research that can inform policy decisions and more effective public services. ADR Wales is made up of data science experts, leading academics from Swansea University and Cardiff University and specialist teams within Welsh Government. Together they produce data driven evidence that can help shape future policy decisions.

Find out more about the ADR social care theme.

What do we mean by administrative data?

Administrative data is information that's routinely collected by government and public services so that they can carry out their work effectively. When people interact with public bodies like schools, the NHS or the judicial system the information created helps monitor and improve these services. Visit About ADR UK - ADR UK to find out more about administrative data research.

What is linked data research?

Linked data research is administrative data that's collected in different places and can be linked to compare information from different areas in our lives.

This helps to:

  • evaluate policies and services, and target areas that need improvement or change
  • collect data about groups that aren’t usually as widely represented in research
  • save time and resources because the information doesn’t need to be collected separately.

What does our ADR Wales social care team do?

We carry out the following work as part of our ambassador role:

  • communicate and promote the benefits of linked data research
  • help set research priorities for linked data research
  • support researchers, including PhD students
  • engage with data owners and data collectors such as local authorities and care providers in the independent sector, with a focus on acquiring adult social care data for research purposes
  • provide support and advice to help data owners and data collectors understand the benefits of sharing data and how this can be carried out legally, ethically, securely and safely.

How do we make sure data is kept private and secure?

We don't collect any data as part of our partnership with ADR Wales. We encourage stakeholders to share their data safely so that it can be used for research.

In linked data research, the data used and linked together is held within an anonymised and secure databank.

The SAIL Databank

In Wales we’re fortunate to have access to the Secure Anonymised Information Linkage Databank (SAIL). This is a national data safe haven of de-identified datasets. Only researchers approved by SAIL’s independent information governance (IGRP) processes can access anonymised data via this secure research environment. Their project must meet strict criteria and demonstrate it’s in the interest of the public good.

It’s important to reassure our stakeholders that their data is in good hands. This means we’ll actively address any concerns they have about sharing data.

Within our leadership role for ADR Wales, we bring together data science experts, leading academics and specialist teams. They're all experienced in safely and ethically sharing and using de-identified, linked administrative data.

ADR Wales social care theme video

Hear from our social care theme team and other colleagues discussing the benefits of data linkage and how it can shape the social care landscape in Wales in our ADR Wales social care theme video.

Blogs and other resources

We'll update this section with links to news, blogs and other resources that we publish ourselves or in partnership with ADR Wales and others.

Meet the team

Tara Hughes

Tara Hughes

Research officer
I’m a research officer based at Swansea University and I’m part of the Social Care Wales and ADR Wales partnership team. I work with Social Care Wales to build networks and opportunities to bring more adult social care data into the SAIL databank. That data is then used to inform research that’s been identified as a priority. I’ve set up an adult social care data research group and we meet to explore the opportunities for onward research. I also support our work on research priority setting in linked data research. Before joining the Social Care Wales, I worked in adult social care with people and communities, and regionally with health boards and local authorities. I’m experienced in preventative social care, community development, social justice and transformational change.
Lynsey Cross

Lynsey Cross

I’m a research officer based at Swansea University and I’m part of the Social Care Wales and ADR Wales partnership team. My role involves engaging with stakeholders and data owners to promote, and be an advocate for, linked data research. An important aspect of my work is to lead on the research priority-setting exercise, with a focus on data that’s relevant to the adult social care sector. Linking adult social care data from across Wales with other data sources (for example in health or housing) can help us understand more about the needs and issues people have. Prior to this role, I led the patient and public involvement and engagement work within the SAIL databank at Swansea University.