Access e-journals
Since January 2023, the NHS Wales e-Library has been available to 10,000 people working in social care across Wales.
The e-Library is home to NHS Wales’ largest source of digital information. It contains a wealth of e-journals, e-books, guidelines and databases.
The e-Library is now available to registered social workers and managers, care home managers, residential child care managers, and domiciliary care managers working across Wales, to help support their practice.
The access comes as part of ongoing work between us, social care workers, researchers, NHS Wales and Welsh Government library services.
By working together, the e-Library collections have grown and new material relevant to social care has been added.
How do I access the e-Library?
Social workers and social care managers can access the e-Library by creating an NHS Wales OpenAthens account.
You’ll need to select ‘Social Workers and Social Care Workers’ from the list of organisations on the registration page. This makes sure that your form is processed correctly.
Once the account has been authorised, you’ll be able to access the e-Library on your preferred device through the ‘Sign In’ page.
The e-Library team welcomes suggestions for resources that could be added to the service.
Use the contact form on the e-Library website to make a recommendation.
Need more information?
For more information, e-mail elibraryaccess@socialcare.wales.