Digital medication management technology trial in Bridgend
Last updated: 30 April 2024
What is the project?
Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board , Bridgend County Borough Council and Life Sciences Hub Wales are working together on a digital medication management system.
This technology can support medication users in taking the correct medication at the right time, supporting users to independently manage their health and well-being.
It can also support social care staff and services with resource management by reducing reliance on home calls and telecare prompts.
The YourMeds technology was rolled out to a first group of participants in 2023.
Why is the work being carried out?
Digital medication management technology can improve independence for people who rely on regular medications, as well as peace of mind for relatives and carers using an app which shows when medication has been accessed.
With an anticipated reduction in daily in-person care calls and telecare prompts, this could save time and money. Both resources can then be re-allocated, streamlining workflows and understanding key areas of need.
As hospital admissions are common with medication mismanagement, there’s a view to see a reduction in these numbers as the risk of error is reduced and medication users can access their medications at the right time and of the correct quantity.
Where and when is the work taking place?
Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board and Bridgend County Borough Council are working together to roll out the project to people across the area who use medication daily.
Phase one of the project ended in December 2023 and a report is being prepared. The second phase started in January and is due to last a year.
Who’s involved?
Value-Based HealthCare, under Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board, are providing the funding.
Life Sciences Hub Wales has supported with looking at the current technology available and proposing a solution based on key priorities identified.
Life Sciences Hub Wales is acting as a project lead, overseeing project co-ordination and giving expertise on timescales and cost measurement, supporting with writing funding proposals, and offering objective advice.
Welsh Government and SBRI Centre of Excellence have also collaborated on the project.
Find out more
Visit the Life Sciences Hub Wales website to find out more, or contact them at: hello@lshubwales.com.
Find out more
Project website:
Contact name:
Louise Baker