Paul Willis
Director of CARE by Paul Willis, Denise Tanner and Geraldine Nosowska
Professor Paul Willis is the Director of the Centre for Adult Social Care Research (CARE) at Cardiff University as well as a registered social worker. As part of his former role as Reader in Social Care at the University of Bristol, Paul was involved in carrying out the Social Work with Older People (‘SWOP’) in England study. This research was funded by the NIHR School for Social Care Research and involved collaboration between the University of Birmingham, the University of Bristol and Effective Practice with advice and guidance from a panel of older people with lived experience of social care and social work.
In this post, the authors reflect on this research and share some hopeful stories about the positive contributions that social workers make in their work with older people.
" 'Oh, you take kids away from families.' That’s all they think social workers do. In my entire career, I do not recall one time I’ve seen a positive social work story."
(Social work team manager)
The Social Work with Older People (SWOP) research project observed 10 social workers working with older people in two local authorities in England over a six-month period. We interviewed them, some of the older people and carers they supported, and spoke to other professionals. Our research shines a light on the previously invisible impact social workers have.
Anyone could need a social worker in older age due to illness, disability or frailty. We saw how social workers supported older people to access dignified care, reassured and advised them and their families about care and funding options, and upheld rights and wishes when someone could no longer make a decision for themselves.
"From what I can see, they get a lot of bad write ups, social workers seem to do, and I think that’s grossly unfair."
(Older person)
Here we highlight some of the positive stories we heard through the SWOP research project about social work with older people.
"She treated Mum as an equal, as if she hasn’t got dementia. She never talked down to her."
(Daughter talking about a social worker)
Social workers are trained to at least degree level. They use their specialist knowledge to understand and address the complex social, health, financial and practical challenges that older people face. They apply the law to navigate complicated systems and processes. They lead inquiries into how to safeguard someone from self-neglect or financial abuse.
Social workers are committed to upholding people’s voices and rights and working in partnership with them.
"She was quite open that it was our decision… but she really gave us all the reasons... She’s sorted everything out and sorted all the finance and everything for us… we’ve had a really good outcome."
(Daughter of an older man talking about a social worker)
SOCIAL WORKERS NEED TO: be on hand to offer support when their specific knowledge and skills are most needed. And older people need to know that social work is to be welcomed, not feared.
“She [the social worker] is very skilled at putting people at ease and talking to people, and that's patients and next of kin. And very clear in her explanations. She's very upfront as to what we're trying to do and … she always advocates, even if it might put her at odds… I mean, her knowledge is second to none really.”
(Nurse assessor in hospital)
SOCIAL WORKERS NEED TO: be present where services are working with older people with complex needs, including in primary care and hospital settings.
"I love the privilege of being able to work with people. Yeah, it is a huge privilege, and I love it."
(Social worker with older people)
However, they face many barriers to doing a good job and the work has a big emotional impact.
Barriers include high workloads, lack of staff and care services, organisational boundaries and administrative demands that take away from time spent with older people. Social workers are motivated and energised by good peer support, supervision, and management.
WE NEED TO: reduce the barriers to good social work practice and boost the enablers to make sure that social workers choose to work in this interesting, and highly rewarding area of social work.
For more information visit the Social Work with Older People (SWOP) research project.
Director of CARE
Social workers improve older people’s lives
We saw how social workers use expert communication and relational skills to work alongside older people and their families at times of crisis, change and uncertainty, and conflict within families. They discover what is needed and mobilise the right resources, acting as enablers and guides.