Mathew Morgan
Community manager
mathew.morgan@socialcare.walesThe Responsible Individual role can feel isolating at times. Our community of practice brings Responsible Individuals (RIs) together.
Our regular meet ups give an opportunity to see other RIs and chat about topics that are relevant to the role. For example:
Our online platform offers a private online space where people can share resources, post on our forum and keep up to date with news.
Belonging to the RI community could help you:
Feel more connected – you’ll have more people to call on when you feel stuck, and a safe place to ask questions.
Feel supported – our members help each other, we share good practice, tips, what’s working, and what’s not working.
Make your role easier – understanding the different ways people approach the role means you won’t have to reinvent the wheel as often.
Increase your confidence – being part of a group and growing your knowledge will help you feel like you’re doing the ‘right thing’ at work.
We asked members of the RI community what the benefits of joining had been for them:
"My inspector told me that since I’ve joined the community, my reporting has improved."
"I’m not scared to speak because of this group. I feel I know a bit more and I’m more confident to bring things up with inspectors."
"Nice to know we’ve all got issues, and the issues are similar."
"It’s good to hear from other members. When you’re sitting alone doing it yourself it’s so much harder, when coming on calls hearing what other people have done, it’s good to know we’re all in the same boat."
"It’s great knowing you’re there."
"It was truly lovely to see everyone and engage in thoughtful discussions."
Become a member today, sign up to the community here. Or get in touch with for more information.
Community manager