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DEEP principles and methods

The Developing Evidence Enriched Practice (DEEP) approach can be brought to life in different ways. 

In this section, we describe the principles behind the approach and explore some of the methods commonly used within the DEEP programme.

DEEP principles

The DEEP approach is built on a set of principles that help us:

  • support everyone’s well-being
  • start with what people know and find interesting
  • make sense of what we learn
  • share all sorts of knowledge
  • use stories in learning
  • consider context when we use evidence
  • share leadership and decision making
  • challenge each other kindly.

Methods used in the DEEP approach

Here's a brief description of the methods we commonly use:

Appreciative Inquiry (AI)

AI is a practice development method that starts with what’s working well. It has five stages: defining, discovering, dreaming, designing and delivering.

Community of Enquiry (CoE)

CoE is a 10-step method that uses evidence as a stimulus to generate and explore practice and/or policy questions. It’s a method that can uncover assumptions and consider the implications of the evidence.

Experienced based co-design (EBCD)

EBCD gathers stories of experience, mapping the high and low points of a person’s journey. The DEEP method of Magic/Tragic moments is based on EBCD and collects single stories of magic (high point) and/ or tragic (low point) moments.

Exploratory Talk

Exploratory Talk can help structure discussions. It provides a set of ground rules that help people talk and think together.

Most Significant Change (MSC)

MSC gathers stories to capture what’s changed for people as a result of an initiative or intervention. Learning from the stories captured can be explored by panels of people who discuss the stories and select which one they feel is the most significant story.

"I was invited to join a Magic Moments workshop…Using an Exploratory Talk approach, we explored the values, assumptions, and implications of what we all shared and discussed. The stories I heard showed me that anything is achievable and there is no such word as ‘can’t.’...It just goes to show that by giving the best of your ability you can achieve anything that you really put your mind to. I found it really inspiring."

- Josh, young person with lived experience.

Find out more

There are learning opportunities with DEEP that can help you explore DEEP principles and the methods we commonly use. 

To book on one of our regular events, learning sessions and courses visit our events page or the DEEP eventbrite page.