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Place-based Care Community

Our Place-based Care Community is a space for people who have an interest in place-based approaches to social care.

Using a place-based approach means working together in an area or community to address the unique needs of the people in that particular location.

In our community, members learn together, have opportunities to share their successes and challenges, and build relationships.

We know that between work and other responsibilities, it can be difficult to find the time and headspace to learn and make new connections. Our community’s goal is to make that easier, providing practical support that makes a positive difference to members.

The community meets online and in person, and members can also stay in touch through our digital platform.

We also have a repository of resources and events related to place-based care that’s always being added to.

Join the Place-based Care Community or e-mail for more information 

Key contact

Lilla Vér

Lilla Vér

Community Manager
I look after our Place-based Care Community. My role is to create and nurture a space for people to learn together, connect and support each other. My previous experiences include developing support pathways in the criminal justice and substance misuse systems and project management.