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Find existing evidence

Many organisations have websites that will help you find reliable evidence. A lot of these organisations also provide information about policy and practice related to their area of interest.

We've listed trusted sources of information: the quality of the data has already been assessed and we've included a summary of what you can find on each website.

Organisations and resources

  • Cochrane Library: provides access to research findings to support evidence-based decision-making by professionals, policy makers and the public. Cochrane includes review groups that are based at research institutions worldwide. The ‘our evidence’ page has plain-language summaries of health evidence.
  • National Institute for Health Research (NIHR): the UK's largest funder of health and care research. It works in partnership with the NHS, universities, local government, other research funders, patients and the public to deliver and enable research. Its website provides an evidence search tool for health and care professionals, researchers and the public. You can also access a journals library and NIHR Evidence, which provides plain-language summaries of health and care research funded by NIHR.
  • Research in Practice: supports people working in social care and health to improve outcomes for adults with support needs and children and families. It brings together practice expertise and the experiences of people using services so professionals across the sector can make evidence-informed decisions about the design and delivery of services. The centre produces research and evidence reviews which summarise the available research and evidence on specific topics related to adult, child and family support.
  • StatsWales: a free-to-use service that allows you to view, manipulate, create, and download tables of Welsh data.
  • Foundations, The What Works Centre for Children and Families: provides answers and practical solutions that empower decision makers to improve policy and practice on family support. Its work is based on the principle that high-quality evidence should inform decision making and has a vital role in improving the lives of vulnerable children.
  • What Works Centre for Wellbeing: the centre operated between 2014 and 2024. With a focus on well-being, the centre worked with stakeholders and experts to provide evidence, guidance, and discussion papers on a range of topics. You can still access the centre’s resources via its website.